A Look back at November 2017

November 19, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

Sometimes it’s important to look back…to see how far you’ve come. Thank you timehop for another memory… I am reposting this video from 2 years ago today. Why? Because I want you to know that self love WILL HEAL ALL! This is where I was 2 years ago today. I didn’t think I could make […]


TI Winning Tactics

October 3, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 2

Just wanting to share some of the tactics that worked for me in freeing me from MOST of the drama that comes with being a targeted individual. Because I have lived this, I KNOW it works. I went through extreme measures to protect myself and my family and truth be told, they did not all […]

How Activism Killed Me

August 22, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

This was from a February 2018 Interview on Revolution Radio with LB Bork and Frank Henderlein. There is actually way more to this show than the title. If you REALLY want to know how things work when it comes to activism issues, and how all sides are working together WITH the police to DECEIVE you, […]

Sex Offender Registry Scam

July 28, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

This show was recorded on May 4, 2009 on TruthBrigade with Christie Aphrodite on American Freedom Radio. While many might think these old shows that were erased should be left in the dust. I disagree. There are so many issues we addressed that have had no public attention whatsoever! What if the sex offender registry […]

CyberStalking Games

July 27, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 17

Many have heard this term before and many frauds have even claimed to be victims of this type of terrorism. The problem is, those that claim to be victims ARE in fact the stalkers themselves. It is a well known tactic to claim that your target is a cointelpro operative, which if effective, results in […]

Psychic Vampires

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 2

Psychic Vampires with Shaman Avalon Sakti and Christie Aphrodite on American Freedom Radio 11.2.2010 We both discuss some personal experiences and things we have learned along the way. Sakti shares some signs and red flags we can look out for, how we know we are being drained by a vampire and most importantly what we […]

Why Aphrodite?

July 15, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 4

Recently a question came up asking me how I “chose Aphrodite” as my name… What’s really sad about that question is that this was a long time listener. Why is that sad? Because this information has been out there for over a decade! But the stalkers, who had me erased with all their fake copyright […]