
Back to My Nature
This sure has been a wild ride!!! Many of you started following me back in San Diego while I was pretty “healthy” by societies standards as a single single mother. Then you saw me get put in a wheelchair and chased out of my hometown…only to search for a place to call home to be […]

Sweet Bread Recipes
Most people familiar with my work usually come around for “healthy” recipe ideas. But the truth is, comfort food is important and nice to have around once in a while. So be forewarned, if you are looking for a healthy recipe, this is NOT it!!! And it’s not a yeast bread, this is a straight […]

If I Had Cancer
I am often asked by people how they can heal their cancer, or autoimmune, or….and the real answer is simple. I intended this video to be about what I would do if I was diagnosed with cancer again, but the truth is, all healing is the same. Cancer just means you ignored yourself longer than […]

Natural Flu Care
NOTE: This post is a copy and paste of some excellent information that I believe should not be lost. GeorgeAnn was the original podcaster who started uploading phone conversations to the internet back in the 90s to fight back the misinformation being disseminated everywhere. She was a truth warrior who led the early fight in […]

Fresh Roasted Salsa
My favorite thing about summer is growing, harvesting and making salsa!!! Who doesn’t love salsa??? As for me…I’ve been making it for over 3 decades and even raised my children off of my recipes during several periods of my life!!! Being from the southern border,m I feel I have a pretty good grasp on what […]

Healthy Children
April 2, 2017 Todays Coffee with Christie question was “How do I get my Children to Eat Healthier?” Modern society wants you to believe that disease just happens, but if you have read any of the health articles here, you know that’s not even close to being true. So what can we do as parents? […]

5 Minute “Healthy” Chocolate
Midnight Menopausal Medicine in Five Minutes Because you know it ladies…even if it’s 2:30 AM we sometimes NEED our chocolate fix! 🙂 And it’s more fun with your friends!!!Only 4 ingredients!!! So you can make this in a QUICK HURRY for your erratic chocolate cravings…and STILL be healthy! (kind of) For this basic version here […]

Yummus Hummus
We know that we should be eating our medicine, but do we know how? Yummus Hummus is one of my favorite ways to eat my medicine. And this is how easy and quick it can be! 🙂 Who doesn’t love a good hummus? Hummus is one of my main staples in my diet. Some of […]

Herbicide to Genocide – A Trendy Chemical Cocktail of Disease
You know what really amuses me…? The millions of Americans that believe we have to fight some “evil dictator” thousands of miles away because they are somehow genocidal maniacs poisoning and killing their own citizens. The news begs for war and the people support it, usually without question. But does anyone ever think there might […]