Your Friends HATE You!

September 13, 2022 ChristieAphrodite 1

Yes, you read that right. I know it sounds extreme, but think about these things for a moment. Are your friends supporting your greater growth? Are they encouraging you to follow your heart? Do they help you move or when you are sick or injured? Do they support your business, websites, etc?Are they there for […]

God Bless America 2020

August 20, 2020 ChristieAphrodite 0

Sorry not sorry, just understand I had to. It’s called performance art, relax. 🙂 But can you deny any word spoke here? This is a new version of God Bless America as performed by the worst non performer who could have ever done this…ME! 🙂 Truth be told, there was no practice, we got the […]

The MK Ultra Joke – 1956 Generation Landslide (Part 3)

May 17, 2020 Rusty Moose 0

Please pay no attention to the sexy blonde girl pointing a phallic symbol at suggestive wordplay because this post is actually about “Generation Gaps.” Of course, since most of us have ingested Pepsi products, we are now perpetual members of THAT generation. But did you know that the sociological theory of a generational “gap” first […]

The MK Ultra Joke – 1955 (Part 2)

April 10, 2020 Rusty Moose 1

We have been pawns playing checkers in the controlling system’s chess game, and it’s almost checkmate. Some personal thoughts and opinions regarding my previous post covering the year 1954: Technology: IBM had already been producing large quantities of data processing equipment for the military, so their lame demonstration of the “possibilities of machine translation” was […]

Genital Autonomy with John Adkison

February 15, 2020 ChristieAphrodite 0

In this February 17, 2020 episode of The Christie Aphrodite Show, we will be joined by John Adkison and discuss what I believe to be the “original trauma” in our current daily life. John has been educating others about the rights all should have keep intact the body we were all born with. Learn more […]

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About John Adkison

February 15, 2020 ChristieAphrodite 1

The first thing I did to start off my activism (come out of the closet) was write a blog entry at  That first article was January 2018, shortly after seeing the American Circumcision documentary at the Social Justice Film Festival in Seattle. I have been frustrated by the many different organizations tackling the issue […]

Hidden History of Women with Max Dashu

February 15, 2020 ChristieAphrodite 0

This Truth Brigade Radio show originally aired September 28, 2011 on the American Freedom Radio network. Why has the history of matrilineal societies been suppressed? Have any societies ever been modeled on a “balance of power”? How did our current patriarchal system come to be? Have men also been dis-empowered by this system? What role […]

Cosmetic Surgery and Self Love

January 28, 2020 ChristieAphrodite 0

What is the Price of vanity? Would someone who love themselves want to alter themselves? Are the risks of surgically altering yourself ever considered, or are they just focused on “looking better?” I think this society has it backwards. It’s sad actually…watching everyone worry about how they look, rather than how they feel. The really […]

Your Greatest Investment

January 20, 2020 ChristieAphrodite 0

The thing that comes to mind most often when discussing assets, investments, etc usually equate to the stock market or financial portfolio. But what if your greatest investment had nothing to do with investing in the stock market or big business? What would your life be like if you invested in your own talents, rather […]

Making Friends with Anger

January 18, 2020 ChristieAphrodite 4

Let’s talk about anger. For me, It wasn’t until someone asked me in my Coffee with Christie series about how they can stop themselves from being so angry that I really started to think about it and discover that there just might be benefits and some of the reasons why we could be part of […]