Turkey Jerky

August 20, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

This was back on the farm in 2016 in my #pimpmytent days with my turkey friend Osiris… This adorable video he actually followed me into the farm house!!! Yes, INSIDE!!! I was the only one on the farm he didn’t attack, but I don’t think that’s too hard to figure out why. I was the […]

For the Love of Vultures

August 20, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

I know many don’t love vultures, but I happen to think they are very beautiful and interesting…and always very well dressed! I found this video while going through my old hard drives. This was from the Everglades in late February 2014. 🙂 Just look at how lovely, gentle and graceful they can be! Now compare […]

Real Talk about Ascension

August 20, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 2

Real Talk About Ascension 3/23/2017 Ascension is defined as the act of rising to a higher level, and many so-called spiritual gurus want you to believe that if you attend their workshops or buy their books or take their supplements that you are going to ascend magically and effortlessly.  Some of them even preach about […]

Magical Musical Genius of That 1 Guy

August 20, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

I just want to give a shout out to one of my favorite musicians all time in an effort to introduce him to all my friends and family! 🙂 I have been Blessed to see him from east coast to west coast, starting at his very first magic show in Savannah, GA on my Soul […]

We Create Our Reality?

August 20, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 2

April 8, 2017 One of the things that bothers me most about the so called enlightened spiritual and new age communities is their pompousness when it comes to divulging all the secrets to life. They want you to believe that the only reason “bad” things happen to you is because of your negative thinking. They […]

Psychotropic Sex Slaves

August 20, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

This American Freedom Radio Show was recorded on April 9, 2009 with Christie Aphrodite and independent filmmaker Val Gameiro on Truth Brigade Radio. Is it possible to help victims of human trafficking or is their Stockholm Syndrome impenetrable? Is the judicial system dedicated to prosecuting the perpetrators of human trafficking or is it the root […]

Fake News

August 19, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

April 15, 2017 We’ve all read fake news before, and maybe some of you have even written it or forwarded it on social media.  It’s everywhere nowadays including every channel on your TV and many websites that you visit on the Internet.  As an example, let’s consider an issue like vaccines. I don’t think vaccines […]

Don’t Use Antibacterial Soap, Or Overuse Antibiotics

August 19, 2019 Stephanie Davis 0

Tuesday, February 5, 2008 People are dying from MRSA bacteria as the result of the overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents in soap, detergents and toothpaste. Up to 18,000 such deaths are recorded each year in the US alone, in addition to the numbers of people who become seriously ill from the bug. Antibacterial soap […]

Herbicide to Genocide – A Trendy Chemical Cocktail of Disease

August 19, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 8

You know what really amuses me…? The millions of Americans that believe we have to fight some “evil dictator” thousands of miles away because they are somehow genocidal maniacs poisoning and killing their own citizens. The news begs for war and the people support it, usually without question. But does anyone ever think there might […]


August 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

4/1/17 “How do I stop being so angry?” Well…what if I told you that everything I ever accomplished was sprouted from a seed of anger? Even learning to heal myself and others….finding out Mother Nature was smarter than man….yes, even that was fueled by anger over how I was treated with drugs and doctors… What […]