God HATED me until I Loved Myself!

October 6, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 2

This video was prompted by some comments on my video about soul retrieval and shamanic healing. You can watch that video here. This is my story of what I refer to as “church hopping” and finding out I was loved all the time…only after more than 3 decades of self hate. It was my programming […]

Real Talk about Ascension

August 20, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 2

Real Talk About Ascension 3/23/2017 Ascension is defined as the act of rising to a higher level, and many so-called spiritual gurus want you to believe that if you attend their workshops or buy their books or take their supplements that you are going to ascend magically and effortlessly.  Some of them even preach about […]

Prayer vs. Action

August 13, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

(This blog is a loose translation of the video below.) This topic has been on my mind for a long time.  “I’ll pray for you” is something that I heard a lot during my disabled homeless days, but it seems that everybody’s always praying for someone or something such as starving children, good health or […]

Who, What, Where is God?

July 18, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 3

What is God, Who is God? Are we ready for a deeper knowing of who and what God is? Why has there been so many wars, atrocities in God’s name? What is ‘Religionism’? What are the Spiritual Physics behind what/who God is? Where are science and consciousness meeting today? Can ‘God’ be scientifically proven? How […]

What Do you Really Know?

July 11, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

Here’s another one that came up on timehop from 3 years ago…I remember writing this on my 10 minute break at work on my first minimum wage job back into the workforce after I was a semicoherent speaker and almost straight walker again. 🙂  I was living in my storage unit at the time on […]