Have you ever felt this way? I’m sure you have…I sure know I have. In fact I could point you to several dozen videos where I was saying that exact same thing! Right here on this website! 🙂 Or these playlists on youtube. 🙂 Homeless Radio, Gang stalking, and Pimp my tent – home sweet home But here’s the deal. I was WRONG and so are you!!!
I have come to see why Spirit asked me to start recording my Journey while I was suffering the most. I thought it would be more of a Journal of my death at the time…maybe something my children would see so they would know the truth of my death…I never knew it would turn into a SuperHero Journey. I never would have though that I was the one I was seeking. I never believed that the Power was within me………….until I had no choice but to discover these truths first hand! Don’t you want to discover your Super Powers too??? 🙂
Unfortunately most shy away from anything uncomfortable and their biggest fear is actually discovering their own Power! So we tend to look at obstacles as punishment, perhaps due to a lifetime of trauma.
One thing we need to get straight here is almost every single person born on this planet has suffered some type of trauma! But the good news is WE CAN MOVE BEYOND IT and use all the pain to our benefit!
I am not about to lie to you and tell you it’s easy. No, it’s not full of lollipops and rainbows. Yes, they will exist…at times…but the REAL FREEDOM comes after surrender! surrendering to the flow……..the one thing we all have the most difficulty with.
There was a time I thought I would never make it, but the truth is I was WRONG! I was still suffering traumas I had yet to process. I get it, life gets in the way, but if our goal is REAL HEALING, then we MUST make the sacrifices necessary to make that a reality. Not all the choices you make while self healing will be easy, nor will they be fun. Sometimes they require leaving everything and everyone familiar behind…living in your car, tent or shed! Sometimes it means respecting yourself MORE than you want to be disrespected again!!! Sometimes it’s realizations that everything you thought you knew about life simply wasn’t so. Sometimes it is starting to realize that everyone else has already led you astray, so why NOT see what’s inside of YOU??? Sometimes it’s realizing that if you are not happy where you are at, you MUST change if you want your suffering to change.
Your current situation was not created in an instant. You will not be able to heal it in an instant. It will take long hard work of dedication to your SELF first. While you may fall off the path here and there, while you are learning to trust your instincts that WILL SAVE YOU, it is only a reminder that you were right all along.
Sometimes we have to love ourselves the way we want to be loved…the way we would love someone else we love.
Your belief in yourself and commitment to discovering all of who and what you really are will be the catalyst to the life you never thought possible!
Again, if I can do it…anyone can. Start turning your excuses into experiments….why don’t you try proving me wrong by implementing my advice. The worst thing that could happen is that you stay in the same place you are at…OR it could get better! And if that doesn’t work…? Maybe it’s time to try something else???
Your level of self love will determine how many times you try something new. Your level of mind control will limit your ability to try something new.
Who is it that you want to be and why would you let anything stop you? What do you think you are actually here for? To live someone else’s path, or to discover who YOU are???
I wish you abundant Joy and Happiness in everything you do! I wish you REAL FREEDOM AND HEALING on your Journey! I want to see more success stories to celebrate and more real seekers of Self! What if you were your own Spirit Guide, Higher Self, Guru, Shaman, etc….
All it takes is a commitment to STOP GIVING YOUR POWER AWAY!
Blessings and Love to You and Your on your Journey! Always know, you’ve got this!!!
Christie Aphrodite
Please let me know if you’re looking for a article writer for your site. You have some really good articles and I feel I would be a good asset. If you ever want to take some of the load off, I’d really like to write some content for your blog in exchange for a link back to mine. Please blast me an email if interested. Thank you!
I am always looking for people of like mind to collaborate with. 🙂 There are other authors on this site.