Control Freaks

August 13, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

In today’s Coffee with Christie Video I’m going to talk about control freaks and what you need to know about them and how you can protect yourself.  1.)  Control freaks have zero control over themselves.  Since they have zero control over themselves, they feel the need to control other people.  They will pretend to have […]

Energetic Cause and Cure of AutoImmune Disease

August 12, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 3

I have discussed multiple physical causes and solutions for various autoimmune diseases, especially the ones I’ve been diagnosed with such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes insipidus so if you are looking for physical health information I would like to direct you to this article here and here. This video blog is going […]

Navigating Psychopaths

July 29, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

This show was recorded on March 6, 2013 on Soul Journeys Radio with Thomas Sheridan and Christie Aphrodite. Unfortunately we are inundated with the psychopathy virus in todays society…They are all over the tv and big screen, all over the media and owned by the same, whether radio or teLIEvision…but how can you discern who […]

CyberStalking Games

July 27, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 17

Many have heard this term before and many frauds have even claimed to be victims of this type of terrorism. The problem is, those that claim to be victims ARE in fact the stalkers themselves. It is a well known tactic to claim that your target is a cointelpro operative, which if effective, results in […]