The Great HIV/AIDS Hoax

September 12, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 3

This American Freedom Radio Show was recorded November 19, 2010 with Brent Leung and Christie Aphrodite on TruthBrigade Radio Why does the definition of AIDS change from country to country and over time? Why do esteemed scientists debate over the HIV virus? Are HIV tests reliable globally? Are the worldwide statistics correct? What are the […]

Why Time Is Speeding Up

September 11, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

Many people in the alternative science and radio communities would want you to believe that time is actually speeding up. Many in popular groups on facebook, youtube videos and radio show will also alarm that bell, leaving you powerless because “they” are speeding up time just to mess with you…which of course is proof of […]

The Game of Life

September 10, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

What if all of life was set up to distract you from finding out who and what you really are??? Who is going to end up winning YOUR game of life??? The video ended up being 2 minutes long because I am long winded…lol but the entire thing can be summed up in 3 seconds. […]

Don’t Blame Wheat

August 14, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 6

Over the past couple decades we’ve been hearing about gluten intolerance or celiac disease increasingly more often. Due to this skyrocketing epidemic we’ve been warned to stay away from wheat, as if all of a sudden our food just decided to kill us even though our species relied on crops like wheat to survive… Many […]

How Do I Know What’s Real?

August 10, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

(This blog is a loose translation of the video below.) Today’s question that I’m going to answer is, “How can I know who or what is real?” This concern came up during a discussion about certain people who are influential in alternative media. No, I will not be mentioning names, but I’m going to tell […]

CyberStalking Games

July 27, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 17

Many have heard this term before and many frauds have even claimed to be victims of this type of terrorism. The problem is, those that claim to be victims ARE in fact the stalkers themselves. It is a well known tactic to claim that your target is a cointelpro operative, which if effective, results in […]

Psychic Vampires

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 2

Psychic Vampires with Shaman Avalon Sakti and Christie Aphrodite on American Freedom Radio 11.2.2010 We both discuss some personal experiences and things we have learned along the way. Sakti shares some signs and red flags we can look out for, how we know we are being drained by a vampire and most importantly what we […]