My Magical Garden Secrets

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

6/10/2017 I am often asked why my gardens always grow so beautifully….whether they are greenhouses, raised beds, vertical gardening, square foot and other methods no matter what side of the country I am on. I built this bed with my hay bale tent dome I lived in for the winter in the Port Angeles mountains…and […]

Healing from Big Pharma

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 4

Pill Popping Prison or Paradise? 11/14/2017 The recent death of my mother has allowed me to feel and process things that simply weren’t allowed while she was here.  And for some reason the years of gaslighting scared me into even talking about in the 10 years we had no contact… I no longer feel that […]

Mid Life Crisis?

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

…or is it just a personal awakening??? (This is a loose translation from the video below.) We all have a perception of what a midlife crisis is, and contrary to popular belief it’s not a mental illness, nor does it need to be treated with drugs.Most of us reach a time in our lives when […]

Does Looking Good have to Feel Bad?

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

This is one of the questions Sydney Ross Singer and Christie Aphrodite addressed in this 2 part video back in June 19, 2013 on American Freedom Radio. Does looking good have to hurt? Why do we alter our bodies? (shaving, tattooing, piercing, bodyshaping clothing, cosmetics, plastic surgery) Are there any implications on our health because […]


July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

This video is about depression and a new way of looking at it so we can heal ourselves rather than give our power away to other entities that do not have your best interest at heart.Let this be the motivation you need to move forward! There is nothing wrong with human emotions and there is […]

Wild Edibles with Linda Runyon

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 2

This show originally aired on June 9, 2010 with Linda Runyon and Christie Aphrodite on American Freedom Radio about Wild edibles and Wild Foraging. I am sorry to say Linda has since passed. She was one of the coolest guests ever and one of the most respected! Linda is as real as it gets, something […]

Psychic Vampires

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 2

Psychic Vampires with Shaman Avalon Sakti and Christie Aphrodite on American Freedom Radio 11.2.2010 We both discuss some personal experiences and things we have learned along the way. Sakti shares some signs and red flags we can look out for, how we know we are being drained by a vampire and most importantly what we […]

The Link Between Bras and Breast Cancer

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

This is an old Soul Journeys Radio Show from either 2012 or 2013 with Sydney Ross Singer who was a regular guest on the show sharing his wisdom on the truth of the cause of many illnesses due to what he coins as “Culturogenic Disease.” Have women been designed with a flaw that can only […]