The Disappearing Male

July 27, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

The Disappearing Male with Jim Brophy and Christie Aphrodite on TruthBrigade Radio, July 13, 2009, broadcast on American Freedom Radio. Are males becoming an endangered species? That’s the question scientists and researchers have been pondering since alarming trends in male fertility rates, birth defects and disorders began emerging around the world. More and more boys […]

CyberStalking Games

July 27, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 17

Many have heard this term before and many frauds have even claimed to be victims of this type of terrorism. The problem is, those that claim to be victims ARE in fact the stalkers themselves. It is a well known tactic to claim that your target is a cointelpro operative, which if effective, results in […]

Who, What, Where is God?

July 18, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 3

What is God, Who is God? Are we ready for a deeper knowing of who and what God is? Why has there been so many wars, atrocities in God’s name? What is ‘Religionism’? What are the Spiritual Physics behind what/who God is? Where are science and consciousness meeting today? Can ‘God’ be scientifically proven? How […]

Turning Cancer Off with Raymond Francis

July 18, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

What is the true cause of cancer? How does the cancer industry manipulate survival statistics and why? What are the “Big 4” foods to avoid? Raymond Francis, author of “Never Be Sick Again” answers these questions and more. Originally recorded Tuesday, October 5, 2010 TruthBrigade Radio on American Freedom Radio with Christie Aphrodite.

The Hells We Create in the Name of Beauty

July 18, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 4

1/27/2013 The things we go through to look “good.” I was watching some videos made by some very beautiful and smart people that had a lot of info to share…….but I was distracted by all the bells and whistles.  I thought to myself, wow, this poor woman thinks she needs to spend hours in the […]

Detox Symptoms and Healing Crisis

July 18, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 2

5/23/2013 What Can you Look forward to While Detoxing? Hi there!  I just wanted to share with you some of the symptoms you might be experiencing during a detox program.  This is also known as a healing crisis.   You may feel fatigued, going to the bathroom often, overactive sinus drainage, fluctuating emotions, flatulence and […]

How to get rid of Fruit Flies Naturally

July 18, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

7/17/2013 How to get rid of fruit flies/gnats over night naturally! I know, it’s that time of year…time to sail and float, time for bbq’s and gardening, campfires and and delicious fruit leaving fruit flies in your kitchen.  Being that they can lay up to 500 eggs per day leaving your kitchen a battlezone, it’s […]


July 18, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

1/26/2017 So tell me about this “free will choice we’ve been gifted by the creator?”I always hear that we have the power to change our reality…but when I ask questions about how, I get brushed aside….so I’m going to try this again.While I agree we have choice in HOW WE FEEL about something….AFTER the initial […]

CIA, LSD, AYAHUASCA, MKULTRA in the 70s and Today?

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

Aya can be a great medicine, but I have to ask, after a decade of watching people who claim its the way to heal everything in life, I am seeing these people degrade into nothing but shells of where a human used to exist. Honestly… I feel it’s being promoted for a reason…like the Cia […]