No Friendship Decay?

December 30, 2023 ChristieAphrodite 0

What happens if you don’t maintain your car with oil changes and other required recommended maintenance…? It breaks and you end up with much larger unforeseen and expensive repairs. What if you neglect the care and duty to your home? It can rot away, house bugs, uninvited guests and become filthy. How about if you […]

Getting Real with Anxiety

February 24, 2020 ChristieAphrodite 0

Let’s get real here. You can continue to blame your feelings on an a disease with unknown origins and no cure as modern medicine would have you believe, or you can start listening to your body and what it might be screaming at you to start paying attention to. Anxiety is a normal part of […]

An Open Letter to Purslane

December 18, 2019 Rusty Moose 2

Hello again, Purslane. I suppose that you are wondering why I am acknowledging you after all these years of neglect, and I can also imagine your trepidation concerning my renewed interest. Now that I’m able to realize the pain and trauma I have caused you in the past, trepidation is probably too weak of a […]


November 22, 2019 HeartsHaveWings 3

Most people use their five sensory perceptions, smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch, but they don’t use their intuition. Your intuition is your sixth sense and spirit uses it as a means to communicate and to offer guidance. Tragedy can be prevented when you listen to your gut feelings.  You can move away from your […]

Finding My Voice

September 4, 2019 Willow Wisdom 4

I consider myself to be a woman with similar qualities & failings as any other human. I experience the same internal dichotomies and clarities as others. I am easy going, reasonable, patient and tolerant, until I am not. I value authenticity, freedom, compassion, courage, innovation & meaningful contribution. I am a seeker of truth, a […]


August 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

4/1/17 “How do I stop being so angry?” Well…what if I told you that everything I ever accomplished was sprouted from a seed of anger? Even learning to heal myself and others….finding out Mother Nature was smarter than man….yes, even that was fueled by anger over how I was treated with drugs and doctors… What […]

Love and Light

August 6, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

The blog below is a loose translation of the Coffee with Christie video blog. Everybody likes to repeat that mantra and believes that if they focus only on love and light, that they will be able to manifest the world of their dreams and deny the reality that’s happening around them. But if you REALLY […]


August 6, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

This blog is a loose translation of this Coffee with Christie Video. Many of you reading this may be under the impression that I no longer experience loneliness because I have been alone for so long, but I would like to ask this… are any of us ever genuinely alone or is our alone time […]


August 5, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

The blog below is a loose translation from this Coffee with Christie video. 🙂 When it comes to addiction, we must begin with the underlying assumption that all humans are addicted to something; nature, coffee, cigarettes, chocolate, alcohol, et cetera. As a holistic health coach, I am often asked, “Christie, how can I break my […]


July 18, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

1/26/2017 So tell me about this “free will choice we’ve been gifted by the creator?”I always hear that we have the power to change our reality…but when I ask questions about how, I get brushed aside….so I’m going to try this again.While I agree we have choice in HOW WE FEEL about something….AFTER the initial […]