Real Talk about Ascension

August 20, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 2

Real Talk About Ascension 3/23/2017 Ascension is defined as the act of rising to a higher level, and many so-called spiritual gurus want you to believe that if you attend their workshops or buy their books or take their supplements that you are going to ascend magically and effortlessly.  Some of them even preach about […]


August 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

4/1/17 “How do I stop being so angry?” Well…what if I told you that everything I ever accomplished was sprouted from a seed of anger? Even learning to heal myself and others….finding out Mother Nature was smarter than man….yes, even that was fueled by anger over how I was treated with drugs and doctors… What […]

Let the Light Pour Through You!

Real Magical Manifestation

August 11, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

What if you could create the world you wanted? What if you didn’t need a million dollars to do so??? 🙂 We have been taught that all we have to do is meditate and imagine… And to a degree, that can be true! But Real magic, that lasts, is when your actions match your intentions. […]

Is Good Health Really a Sacrifice?

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

5/15/2017 The above photo was me, just 15 short months ago!!!  Hi there!  I hope this spring is treating you well!  🙂 As many of you know, I’ve been Blessed to find out how to heal quite a few so called incurable illnesses within myself and others… As a result, some people treat me as […]

Mid Life Crisis?

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

…or is it just a personal awakening??? (This is a loose translation from the video below.) We all have a perception of what a midlife crisis is, and contrary to popular belief it’s not a mental illness, nor does it need to be treated with drugs.Most of us reach a time in our lives when […]

Why Aphrodite?

July 15, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 4

Recently a question came up asking me how I “chose Aphrodite” as my name… What’s really sad about that question is that this was a long time listener. Why is that sad? Because this information has been out there for over a decade! But the stalkers, who had me erased with all their fake copyright […]

What Do you Really Know?

July 11, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

Here’s another one that came up on timehop from 3 years ago…I remember writing this on my 10 minute break at work on my first minimum wage job back into the workforce after I was a semicoherent speaker and almost straight walker again. 🙂  I was living in my storage unit at the time on […]

From East to West

July 11, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

I fugure since I finally have my own domain where I can catalog my journey, I’ll be posting things as they come up on timehop. This was the end of June in 2014 on my way back to the west coast. I did not know I would be living in the van after this journey, […]

Life Death Life

July 10, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

I am going to post in this blog things that have come up on timehop on my journey for posterity…so this photo I came across yesterday was written about on facebook last year. here it is… “July 9, 2018 · Timehop “If this photo could talk… (Some of you know) This was the beginning of […]