Finding My Voice

September 4, 2019 Willow Wisdom 4

I consider myself to be a woman with similar qualities & failings as any other human. I experience the same internal dichotomies and clarities as others. I am easy going, reasonable, patient and tolerant, until I am not. I value authenticity, freedom, compassion, courage, innovation & meaningful contribution. I am a seeker of truth, a […]


August 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

4/1/17 “How do I stop being so angry?” Well…what if I told you that everything I ever accomplished was sprouted from a seed of anger? Even learning to heal myself and others….finding out Mother Nature was smarter than man….yes, even that was fueled by anger over how I was treated with drugs and doctors… What […]

Prayer vs. Action

August 13, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

(This blog is a loose translation of the video below.) This topic has been on my mind for a long time.  “I’ll pray for you” is something that I heard a lot during my disabled homeless days, but it seems that everybody’s always praying for someone or something such as starving children, good health or […]