If I Had Cancer

January 18, 2020 ChristieAphrodite 3

I am often asked by people how they can heal their cancer, or autoimmune, or….and the real answer is simple. I intended this video to be about what I would do if I was diagnosed with cancer again, but the truth is, all healing is the same. Cancer just means you ignored yourself longer than […]

Prayer vs. Action

August 13, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

(This blog is a loose translation of the video below.) This topic has been on my mind for a long time.  “I’ll pray for you” is something that I heard a lot during my disabled homeless days, but it seems that everybody’s always praying for someone or something such as starving children, good health or […]

Disability vs Dif-abilty!

August 6, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 4

I am resharing a video and note I wrote on facebook 2 years ago today when I was unable to post on my own website. 🙂 I am resharing the record in hopes of inspiring others to also take their power back! What if a disability didn’t mean the end of your life? What if […]

Is Good Health Really a Sacrifice?

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

5/15/2017 The above photo was me, just 15 short months ago!!!  Hi there!  I hope this spring is treating you well!  🙂 As many of you know, I’ve been Blessed to find out how to heal quite a few so called incurable illnesses within myself and others… As a result, some people treat me as […]

From East to West

July 11, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

I fugure since I finally have my own domain where I can catalog my journey, I’ll be posting things as they come up on timehop. This was the end of June in 2014 on my way back to the west coast. I did not know I would be living in the van after this journey, […]