
July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

This video is about depression and a new way of looking at it so we can heal ourselves rather than give our power away to other entities that do not have your best interest at heart.Let this be the motivation you need to move forward! There is nothing wrong with human emotions and there is […]

What Do you Really Know?

July 11, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

Here’s another one that came up on timehop from 3 years ago…I remember writing this on my 10 minute break at work on my first minimum wage job back into the workforce after I was a semicoherent speaker and almost straight walker again. 🙂  I was living in my storage unit at the time on […]

The REAL Law of Attraction

July 10, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

Have you ever noticed that the law of attraction teachings are always based on monetary value? This is how you get a bigger better house, this is how you get more money and hang out with famous people…this is how you get a lover…blah blah blah As if you having more THINGS equals more spirituality and […]