Soul Journey Acid Trip

August 6, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

Reposting another blog from the Journey… This was on my 30 day Soul Journey trip that ended up lasting 4 years. 🙂 After every plan I made had failed, picked up a few and lost a few more, I was invited back north to Georgia to continue the travel south with another. I decided to […]


August 6, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

3/23/2017 I often get asked how I have so much magic in my life…but as you will see in the following videos, I have a pretty unorthodox approach. I have learned throughout the years that Magic is everywhere….and REAL MAGIC is in INNOCENCE!  “In no sense” is where we can see what really is, surrendering […]

Disability vs Dif-abilty!

August 6, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 4

I am resharing a video and note I wrote on facebook 2 years ago today when I was unable to post on my own website. 🙂 I am resharing the record in hopes of inspiring others to also take their power back! What if a disability didn’t mean the end of your life? What if […]

CyberStalking Games

July 27, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 17

Many have heard this term before and many frauds have even claimed to be victims of this type of terrorism. The problem is, those that claim to be victims ARE in fact the stalkers themselves. It is a well known tactic to claim that your target is a cointelpro operative, which if effective, results in […]

The Hells We Create in the Name of Beauty

July 18, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 4

1/27/2013 The things we go through to look “good.” I was watching some videos made by some very beautiful and smart people that had a lot of info to share…….but I was distracted by all the bells and whistles.  I thought to myself, wow, this poor woman thinks she needs to spend hours in the […]


July 18, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

1/26/2017 So tell me about this “free will choice we’ve been gifted by the creator?”I always hear that we have the power to change our reality…but when I ask questions about how, I get brushed aside….so I’m going to try this again.While I agree we have choice in HOW WE FEEL about something….AFTER the initial […]

Is Good Health Really a Sacrifice?

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

5/15/2017 The above photo was me, just 15 short months ago!!!  Hi there!  I hope this spring is treating you well!  🙂 As many of you know, I’ve been Blessed to find out how to heal quite a few so called incurable illnesses within myself and others… As a result, some people treat me as […]

Mid Life Crisis?

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

…or is it just a personal awakening??? (This is a loose translation from the video below.) We all have a perception of what a midlife crisis is, and contrary to popular belief it’s not a mental illness, nor does it need to be treated with drugs.Most of us reach a time in our lives when […]

Why Aphrodite?

July 15, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 4

Recently a question came up asking me how I “chose Aphrodite” as my name… What’s really sad about that question is that this was a long time listener. Why is that sad? Because this information has been out there for over a decade! But the stalkers, who had me erased with all their fake copyright […]