Vibro-Acoustic Disease And Our Killer Culture

August 30, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

This American Freedom Radio Broadcast was with Sydney Ross Singer and Christie Aphrodite discussing Vibro-Acoustic Disease And Our Killer Culture on Soul Journeys Radio, January 9, 2013. In this program Christie and Sydney continue their discussion regarding the link between bras and breast cancer as well as exploring questions like: What is Vibro-Acoustic Disease and […]

Herbicide to Genocide – A Trendy Chemical Cocktail of Disease

August 19, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 8

You know what really amuses me…? The millions of Americans that believe we have to fight some “evil dictator” thousands of miles away because they are somehow genocidal maniacs poisoning and killing their own citizens. The news begs for war and the people support it, usually without question. But does anyone ever think there might […]

Fatty Liver Disease and Diabetes – Causes and Cures

August 14, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

Fatty Liver Disease also known as Hepatic Steatosis was at one time thought to be associated with alcoholism. However in recent years there has been a big rise in diagnosis’s of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). As you can guess, like the name says, it is not connected to alcohol or alcoholism. So why is […]

Energetic Cause and Cure of AutoImmune Disease

August 12, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 3

I have discussed multiple physical causes and solutions for various autoimmune diseases, especially the ones I’ve been diagnosed with such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes insipidus so if you are looking for physical health information I would like to direct you to this article here and here. This video blog is going […]

Diabetes, Liver Problems And Genetic Diseases

August 7, 2019 Stephanie Davis 1

Sunday, March 9, 2008 Someone wrote to me asking about diabetes, liver problems and genetic diseases – below are excerpts from my response, followed by detailed information on how to cure diabetes, but first a few links about diabetes that may interest you: Juvenile Diabetes and Vaccination: New Evidence for a Connection I recommend reading […]

No Friendship Decay?

December 30, 2023 ChristieAphrodite 0

What happens if you don’t maintain your car with oil changes and other required recommended maintenance…? It breaks and you end up with much larger unforeseen and expensive repairs. What if you neglect the care and duty to your home? It can rot away, house bugs, uninvited guests and become filthy. How about if you […]

Sweet Bread Recipes

August 29, 2020 ChristieAphrodite 0

Most people familiar with my work usually come around for “healthy” recipe ideas. But the truth is, comfort food is important and nice to have around once in a while. So be forewarned, if you are looking for a healthy recipe, this is NOT it!!! And it’s not a yeast bread, this is a straight […]

The MK-Ultra Joke – (Part 6 -The Eisenhower Years)

August 20, 2020 Rusty Moose 0

Project MK-Ultra was is a CIA mind-control operation officially sanctioned in 1953, which engaged engages in many illegal activities, including the use of U.S. and Canadian all citizens as its unwitting test subjects…(including you and me).  Yeah, I know, more ironic than funny, but a joke, nonetheless. How does it feel to know that you’ve been Punk’d? If you doubt it, […]

The MK Ultra Joke – 1957 (Part 4)

June 20, 2020 Rusty Moose 0

In previous installments of this blog series, I have pointed out military connections related to all aspects of our “control structure” while avoiding the obvious elephant in the room. I mean, how convenient was it that the former “Supreme Commander of NATO” was our “Commander-in-chief” during the rollout phase of the MK Ultra program? And […]