We Create Our Reality?

August 20, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 2

April 8, 2017 One of the things that bothers me most about the so called enlightened spiritual and new age communities is their pompousness when it comes to divulging all the secrets to life. They want you to believe that the only reason “bad” things happen to you is because of your negative thinking. They […]

Let the Light Pour Through You!

Real Magical Manifestation

August 11, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

What if you could create the world you wanted? What if you didn’t need a million dollars to do so??? 🙂 We have been taught that all we have to do is meditate and imagine… And to a degree, that can be true! But Real magic, that lasts, is when your actions match your intentions. […]


July 18, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

1/26/2017 So tell me about this “free will choice we’ve been gifted by the creator?”I always hear that we have the power to change our reality…but when I ask questions about how, I get brushed aside….so I’m going to try this again.While I agree we have choice in HOW WE FEEL about something….AFTER the initial […]

The REAL Law of Attraction

July 10, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

Have you ever noticed that the law of attraction teachings are always based on monetary value? This is how you get a bigger better house, this is how you get more money and hang out with famous people…this is how you get a lover…blah blah blah As if you having more THINGS equals more spirituality and […]