An Open Letter to Purslane

December 18, 2019 Rusty Moose 2

Hello again, Purslane. I suppose that you are wondering why I am acknowledging you after all these years of neglect, and I can also imagine your trepidation concerning my renewed interest. Now that I’m able to realize the pain and trauma I have caused you in the past, trepidation is probably too weak of a […]

Healing with Essential Oils

August 11, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 1

Dr David Stewart on TruthBrigade Radio with Christie Aphrodite January 16, 2013 on This broadcast has been condensed to focus on listeners health concerns, and it highlights Christie and guest Dr. David Stewart’s specific recommendations based on their knowledge and first-hand beneficial results utilizing these incredibly healing gifts of nature we call essential oils. […]