I often get asked how I have so much magic in my life…but as you will see in the following videos, I have a pretty unorthodox approach.
I have learned throughout the years that Magic is everywhere….and REAL MAGIC is in INNOCENCE! “In no sense” is where we can see what really is, surrendering and allowing to the will of Divine Creation. Allowance is PURE LOVE. PURE LOVE IS MAGIC.
Intentional magic is not without agenda! So be careful what you wish for!
Your individual path will always win no matter what you choose.
Discover the Magic of following your soul path without the need to try to change or control it or others to keep up with the Joneses…
In the future, I will start sharing some of my magical experiences that were put there for me, I believe, because I passed the test of NOT using my will or force over another…
These are my experiences and thoughts on the subject.
I understand that not everyone will agree…and that’s okay….just please don’t cast another spell on me! 🙂 SPELL-ing…………one of the reasons for my deep seeded fear of writing!!!
Controlling another person is not magic in my opinion…it is a mechanism of FEAR that makes one want to control or influence an outcome. Try out some REAL MAGIC of going with the flow! 🙂
Thank you for hearing me out. This is what has worked for me based on what I’ve learned in life.
I wish you all the happiness and peace you deserve!
Blessings and Love,
Christie Aphrodite
More Coffee with Christie Videos here.
My Personal Trauma Healing Journey playlist here.
#phrodiedhere #coffeewithchristie #magic #magick
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