Wild Edibles with Linda Runyon

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 2

This show originally aired on June 9, 2010 with Linda Runyon and Christie Aphrodite on American Freedom Radio about Wild edibles and Wild Foraging. I am sorry to say Linda has since passed. She was one of the coolest guests ever and one of the most respected! Linda is as real as it gets, something […]

Psychic Vampires

July 17, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 2

Psychic Vampires with Shaman Avalon Sakti and Christie Aphrodite on American Freedom Radio 11.2.2010 We both discuss some personal experiences and things we have learned along the way. Sakti shares some signs and red flags we can look out for, how we know we are being drained by a vampire and most importantly what we […]

Why Aphrodite?

July 15, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 4

Recently a question came up asking me how I “chose Aphrodite” as my name… What’s really sad about that question is that this was a long time listener. Why is that sad? Because this information has been out there for over a decade! But the stalkers, who had me erased with all their fake copyright […]