The REAL Law of Attraction

July 10, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

Have you ever noticed that the law of attraction teachings are always based on monetary value? This is how you get a bigger better house, this is how you get more money and hang out with famous people…this is how you get a lover…blah blah blah As if you having more THINGS equals more spirituality and […]


July 8, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 0

Christie Aphrodite, PhD is a Holistic Health and Life Coach, a Photographer, Creator Of My True Essence, Project Love Your Neighbor, Soul Journeys, TruthBrigade and Homeless Radio, Free the Boobies, Phro-Zen Moments, Wombanity Awakens and is a Self Taught AromaTherapist, Herbalist, Natural Healer who speaks on the often overlooked ancient principals of Health, discuss the […]