Your Friends HATE You!

September 13, 2022 ChristieAphrodite 1

Yes, you read that right. I know it sounds extreme, but think about these things for a moment. Are your friends supporting your greater growth? Are they encouraging you to follow your heart? Do they help you move or when you are sick or injured? Do they support your business, websites, etc?Are they there for […]

I Dig Fig

September 7, 2022 ChristieAphrodite 1

We all have a story of someone being gifted a fig dessert for the holidays, only to regift it to someone else. lol But I have to ask, did they really know how delicious and beneficial figs are? Or did Grandma just really not know how to make it? I don’t have a good recipe […]

What AM I Doing?

September 7, 2022 ChristieAphrodite 0

Well, it’s been a while. lol Haven’t made a post here since 2020 and here we are in 2022, after pondering for 2 years…what’s the point? After almost 20 years online, I am a ghost. Being deleted over and over again since 2005 doesn’t help and I’m tired of hoping it will be better this […]

Back to My Nature

September 1, 2020 ChristieAphrodite 1

This sure has been a wild ride!!! Many of you started following me back in San Diego while I was pretty “healthy” by societies standards as a single single mother. Then you saw me get put in a wheelchair and chased out of my hometown…only to search for a place to call home to be […]

Sweet Bread Recipes

August 29, 2020 ChristieAphrodite 0

Most people familiar with my work usually come around for “healthy” recipe ideas. But the truth is, comfort food is important and nice to have around once in a while. So be forewarned, if you are looking for a healthy recipe, this is NOT it!!! And it’s not a yeast bread, this is a straight […]

The MK-Ultra Joke – (Part 6 -The Eisenhower Years)

August 20, 2020 Rusty Moose 0

Project MK-Ultra was is a CIA mind-control operation officially sanctioned in 1953, which engaged engages in many illegal activities, including the use of U.S. and Canadian all citizens as its unwitting test subjects…(including you and me).  Yeah, I know, more ironic than funny, but a joke, nonetheless. How does it feel to know that you’ve been Punk’d? If you doubt it, […]

God Bless America 2020

August 20, 2020 ChristieAphrodite 0

Sorry not sorry, just understand I had to. It’s called performance art, relax. 🙂 But can you deny any word spoke here? This is a new version of God Bless America as performed by the worst non performer who could have ever done this…ME! 🙂 Truth be told, there was no practice, we got the […]

The MK Ultra Joke – 1957 (Part 4)

June 20, 2020 Rusty Moose 0

In previous installments of this blog series, I have pointed out military connections related to all aspects of our “control structure” while avoiding the obvious elephant in the room. I mean, how convenient was it that the former “Supreme Commander of NATO” was our “Commander-in-chief” during the rollout phase of the MK Ultra program? And […]

The MK Ultra Joke – 1956 Generation Landslide (Part 3)

May 17, 2020 Rusty Moose 0

Please pay no attention to the sexy blonde girl pointing a phallic symbol at suggestive wordplay because this post is actually about “Generation Gaps.” Of course, since most of us have ingested Pepsi products, we are now perpetual members of THAT generation. But did you know that the sociological theory of a generational “gap” first […]

The MK Ultra Joke – 1955 (Part 2)

April 10, 2020 Rusty Moose 1

We have been pawns playing checkers in the controlling system’s chess game, and it’s almost checkmate. Some personal thoughts and opinions regarding my previous post covering the year 1954: Technology: IBM had already been producing large quantities of data processing equipment for the military, so their lame demonstration of the “possibilities of machine translation” was […]