Herbicide to Genocide – A Trendy Chemical Cocktail of Disease

August 19, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 8

You know what really amuses me…? The millions of Americans that believe we have to fight some “evil dictator” thousands of miles away because they are somehow genocidal maniacs poisoning and killing their own citizens. The news begs for war and the people support it, usually without question. But does anyone ever think there might […]

Cell Phones And General Cancer Info

August 5, 2019 Stephanie Davis 2

Thursday, May 1, 2008 This post was prompted by someone someone contacting me with a recent diagnosis of cancer. This particular person has a brain tumor, so I advised them to get rid of their cell phone and cordless home phones: “People who use cell phones for lengthy periods of time every day are 50 […]

Essential Oil Research Facts

July 28, 2019 ChristieAphrodite 3

Note: This blog was posted in 2012. This is a copy and paste. The numbers have changed since the original printing and I will clarify those on the searches below. 🙂 As you can see, there is more evidence today than before that essential oils DO in fact have healing powers that have been studied […]